BIM design
BIM – information modeling of objects, which allows you to optimize design processes. We use BIM technologies that provide the ability to build a digital three-dimensional virtual model of a future structure.
Our professional approach creates conditions for timely development of reliable solutions and competent budget planning for the construction of the facility. The benefits of using BIM are manifested in:
- increasing the accuracy of calculations and reducing the time for preparing estimates
obtaining full complex information - ensuring timely control
- optimization of building construction costs
- minimizing the number of reworkings in the project
- quick automatic adjustment of the information model when at least one parameter is changed
- the ability to develop several options for solutions and their assessment
ease of planning the delivery of materials to the construction site
guarantees of a high level of quality for all necessary work

Integrated design
Our team has been working in the field of integrated building design for many years. Preparation of documentation by the design organization is carried out strictly in stages. At the start, an assessment of the site is made, how realistic is the location of the object on it in the future. Then 3D planning is carried out, technological, engineering, architectural and construction solutions of the future building are calculated. All stages are discussed together with the customer so that he can supervise the project as much as possible, control all decisions made.
The functional zoning of the building, number of storeys, floor plans, solutions of stylistic design, artistic sketches and the appearance of the object are necessarily thought out.
Already after the setting of the urban planning task and the passage of these stages, the working stage of the design is underway. Drawings are drawn up, all necessary construction and installation work, exact geometric parameters, description of the characteristics of buildings, structures, structures and their elements are prescribed

Draft design
The team of professional design engineers “Deka Group” carries out 100% competent sketch projects, which:
- allow you to initially visually comprehend the image of the future object, as well as form the aggregate requirements for further design in order to avoid mistakes
- consist of a set of graphic materials and an explanatory note, in any form setting out a description of the object and its elements
- is the basis for the subsequent creation of design estimates and the construction of a building
- In the process of developing a draft design, the object is linked to the terrain, technical and economic indicators are justified, plans of facades, sections of the building are graphically shown, proposals for optimal options for heating, water supply, sewage and other engineering networks are formed

Author & technical supervision
We offer a high class of control, carried out to ensure the compliance of technological, architectural and construction and other technical solutions, and technical and economic indicators of enterprises, buildings and structures put into operation. The scope of work includes:
- carrying out in the construction process the compliance of the work performed on the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures with design solutions provided for in the design documentation
- resolving issues on project documentation arising during the construction process for the customer, construction contractor, other legal entities and individuals at the direction of the customer
- submission of notifications to the Customer about deviations from the design documentation, violations of the requirements of building codes and regulations, technical conditions revealed in the course of designer’s supervision
- monitoring the timely and high-quality elimination of deviations from project documentation and violations of the requirements of building codes and regulations and technical conditions for the production of construction and installation works and works on the installation of technological equipment
- participation in the commissioning of individual critical structures, as well as in the preparation of certificates of inspection of works

Energy monitoring
Energy inefficiency is a problem in every industry, from heavy industry to food. Usually, electricity costs are measured only at the entrance to the power system of the enterprise, and the consumption for primary and secondary consumers goes unnoticed. And in vain: power losses due to broken or ineffective equipment, poor work schedule, improperly connected or configured electricity meters, unaccounted loads increase the cost of the final product or service.
Energy consumption monitoring from our side is carried out by connecting special controllers and recorders. Load parameters on each subnet are monitored in real time using software. Further, the collected information is processed, analyzed and presented to the customer in the form of diagrams and graphs. Thus, our energy monitoring allows you to:
- find sources of unnecessary consumption of electrical energy
- redistribute the load between tariff zones
- draw up the correct maintenance schedule and work schedule
- timely prevent equipment malfunctions
- evaluate the effectiveness of energy saving measures
- seamlessly add a new load
- find the cause of equipment failure faster
- reduce electricity costs, increase net profit

Energy audit
We offer an energy survey of facilities in order to establish the efficiency of the use of energy resources and develop economically feasible measures to reduce the cost of energy consumption. Energy audit of enterprises is aimed at more efficient use of energy resources. “Deka Group” will prepare and carry out a set of measures for technical and documentary inspection of the enterprise in order to obtain complete information about the power systems. Next, we will objectively determine the state and identify the sources of energy losses, disclose the reasons for irrational spending, and offer effective options for eliminating and preventing problems.
Based on the results of the energy audit, documents are drawn up:
- energy passport of the enterprise (object)
- energy audit technical report
- recommendations for reducing energy consumption costs and increasing the efficiency of their use